Our Mission: To promote and improve the understanding of others. We focus on education to develop a global network of solidarity.
To that end, Blue Tree Project funds education around the world. Our reward system includes the Blue Leaf Scholarship, the Blue Stem Award and the Blue Seed Award.
The Blue Leaf Scholarship is presented to students for exceptional achievements. It typically funds tuition and board for the laureate for one year.
The Blue Stem Award is presented to teachers for exceptional dedication. It usually consists of a laptop computer and a cash price.
Blue Tree Project has been funding education in Sumatra (Indonesia) since 2019 and in Ghana since 2013. Every year, awards are presented to a student, a teacher and/or an organization.
BPT is currently developing similar programs in other parts of the world including Kyrgyzstan, Easter Island and the Philippines.
BPT is currently developing similar programs in other parts of the world including Kyrgyzstan, Easter Island and the Philippines.